sexta-feira, junho 27, 2008


. . . we have some unfinished business between us.

When we respond to the small signals that something is amiss, we prevent bigger problems.

When we feel fear in our relationship, it signals that we have some unfinished business between us.

When we ask the questions we have been avoiding, we create new possibilities for resolution. Our fear is a signal that something does not feel safe. If we tell ourselves that our fear is illogical and discount it, or if we overreact by totally pulling out of the situation, we miss opportunities to change it.

What a relief we feel as we make sense out of our fear and begin to talk with each other. We let go of secrets between us and work toward mutual understanding.

As we communicate, the knot in our stomachs loosens and light reappears in our relationship.

Name the signals your body gives you to indicate that something in your relationship needs attention.


quinta-feira, junho 26, 2008


Amemo-nos, mas não façamos do amor um compromisso.

Kahlil Gibran

O amor não exige; compromete-se. Não aprisiona; liberta.

O amor não desprestigia; elogia. O amor faz de desconhecidos amigos.

Acalma os nossos defeitos e fortalece as nossas virtudes.

Sabermos que somos amados inspira-nos e convida a fazermos o nosso melhor.

Oferecer o nosso amor dignifica-nos e cultiva alegria interior.

Nunca em nome do amor, devemos dirigir a vida dessa pessoa, mas sim celebrar as opções tomadas por essa pessoa querida, mesmo que vão contra a nossa vontade.

Todos somos abençoados com um destino nas nossas vidas, único e necessário para os outros.

Deve-nos ser permitido percorrer o nosso caminho para o preenchimento.

Vamos nos libertar uns aos outros e conhecer o verdadeiro amor.


segunda-feira, junho 16, 2008


Seize the opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.

Bulgarian proverb

Through laziness or inattention, we often miss opportunities to grow. Maybe we don't play our hunches or listen to our intuition. Maybe we see an opportunity but fail to act because we're not sure it's what we ought to do. An opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream has appeared, but we don't trust our good fortune. A chance has come to use our talent to help someone, but we don't know how the person will handle it, so we do nothing.

And we rationalize. We decide it's a frivolous impulse, a whim that's not worth our attention. We decide it couldn't be our Inner Guide.

God seldom takes us by the scruff of the neck and pulls us to our next destination. God provides the opportunities; it's up to us to seize them. God talks to us; it's up to us to listen.

Today I'll be on the lookout or God's opportunities.
