sexta-feira, abril 17, 2009


I'd like to get away from earth awhile. And then come back to it and begin again.

-- Robert Frost

Do we think it's weak to need a break? Do we ignore the need to recharge our batteries? Responsibility for our own lives requires us to recognize the need to restore our energy. Maybe our former escape from the world was by using food, or drugs, or spending money, or being preoccupied with another person.

Now, since we are developing the ability to be with ourselves, we can take a break from the world and come back restored. This meditation time generates more energy for our lives. Recreation with friends, a walk, a movie, or a concert does the same. Taking responsibility to get away is a good cure for self-pity and exhaustion.

Today, I will be aware of my need to restore my energy.


quinta-feira, abril 16, 2009


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
--Eleanor Roosevelt

In this moment, we are the best we can be. Today, we can work at loving the best in ourselves and not fearing the worst. We are truly wonderful and growing people with gifts and qualities that make us who we are.

No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.

Now, we are in charge of our lives and growth.

We can choose to let go of old negative thinking.

We can choose to think positive, loving thoughts about ourselves.

We never need to be victims again to addiction or to other people.

We have options today. We can choose to grow in a positive recovery program.

We can choose to have loving, affirming people in our lives.

Today I will stick with the winners. I am a winner today and every day.


sexta-feira, abril 10, 2009


Using Others to Stop Our Pain

Our happiness is not a present someone else holds in his or her hands.

Our well-being is not held by another to be given or withheld at whim. If we reach out and try to force someone to give us what we believe he or she holds, we will be disappointed. We will discover that it is an illusion.

The person didn't hold it. He or she never shall. That beautifully wrapped box with the ribbon on it that we believed contained our happiness that someone was holding - it's an illusion!In those moments when we are trying to reach out and force someone to stop our pain and create our joy, if we can find the courage to stop flailing about and instead stand still and deal with our issues, we will find our happiness.

Yes, it is true that if someone steps on our foot, he or she is hurting us and therefore holds the power to stop our pain by removing his or her foot. But the pain is still ours. And so is the responsibility to tell someone to stop stepping on our feet.Healing will come when we're aware of how we attempt to use others to stop our pain and create our happiness.

We will heal from the past. We will receive insights that can change the course of our relationships.We will see that, all along, our happiness and our well-being have been in our hands. We have held that box. The contents are ours for the opening.

God, help me remember that I hold the key to my own happiness.

Give me the courage to stand still and deal with my own feelings.

Give me the insights I need to improve my relationships.

Help me stop doing the codependent dance and start doing the dance of recovery.


terça-feira, abril 07, 2009


Finalmente, em desespero, olhei para cima e vi milhares de pessoas convidando-me a subir.

Estenderam-me as mãos e criaram uma cadeia humana para que eu subisse. Tudo o que tinha a fazer era deixar-me ir e agarrar as mãos que me puxavam. Estava seguro.

Já não estou mais sozinho.

Tenho de deixar ir o meu medo e aceitar ajuda quando preciso dela.

Obrigado amigos


segunda-feira, abril 06, 2009





